
  • Number of screens: 4
  • Average monthly customer count: 6,000 (note: customer visits are seasonal with peak traffic occurring Nov/Dec/Jan and June/July/August)
  • Runtime of each ad: 15 seconds
  • Number of ads per advertiser per show: 2 slides (can be different)
  • Typical show repeats every 12-15 minutes
  • Peak Impression Time: 15-20 minutes before film to show time


  • Only first-run theater between Danbury and Torrington, CT
  • Captive audience
  • BST can create your ad or you can supply your own
  • Reasonably priced: As low as $200 per month
  • A link to your business website from our website for all paid advertisers


Prices are based on length of commitment:

  • 3 months: $250/mo
  • 6 months: $225/mo
  • 12 months*: $200/mo

E-mail: info@bankstreettheater.com for more information

Question:  What size should my file be?
Answer: Full frame size = 2048 pixels wide x 858 pixels high, minimum size = 1468 pixels wide x 858 pixels high. All important copy should be 20 pixels in from the edge. All images should be at 300 dpi in RGB or sRGB.

Question: What file formats do you accept?
Answer: .jpg, .tiff, .pdf, .png, .mov

Question: Can my ad/slides be changed regularly?
Answer:  Slides can be changed once per month

Question: When are shows updated?
Answer: Slideshows are updated on Fridays

Question: If I purchase the 3 month plan, do I need to run the ad for 3 consecutive months?
Answer: No, you can choose your specific months within a calendar year